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Not Nice Guys - Omry's page
Omry Cool-Tall
An Elitist, Autistic and all in between.
Loves Yuval and thanks to him, cats.
In childhood I’ve wanted to learn many professions, But writing, was ‘satisfying’.
More so since I was 9 and actually learned to read.
At around 14 I realized that the understanding of money is necessary for any adult in the modern world. Thus began making the effort to learn it. Had some classes in my 20s.
Due to bad luck, I still need to work.
Life. You build your wealth, then have to spend it. Over and Over…
Right now I work on this site with Yuval. He maintains it, I help with content.
I currently write on several platforms. I have published two books on Amazon.
Though I intend to rewrite them, and are selecting several for a crowdfunding site.